HD 75 - Mini BTE/ RIC
MRP - Rs.19000
Type of device
Mini-Behind-the-ear hearing aid, RIC
Behind-the-ear hearing aid look
Small and ergonomic profile
Zinc air size 312
Up to 4 days of usage per battery
Fit and size:
Accommodates most ears with 1 tube
Device size of 0.8 cm x 3.5 cm x 1.4 cm
3 built-in amplification presets
Manual volume control
Further customizable using mobile app
Voice prompts:
Environment modes
Volume control
Low battery warning
Bluetooth capability:
Bluetooth 4.0 for app connection, Streaming not available
Digital audio processing:
16 channel compressor
16 channel noise reduction
Feedback cancellation
Dual microphone directionality
Hearing aid specs:
Max gain: 56 dB
Max output: 120 dB SP
Tutorial videos
HD 75 Full Training video
HD 75 full demo
Meet HD 75
Replacing battery in HD 75
Ear tip selection for HD 75
Placing HD 75 on your ear
Removing HD 75 from your ear
Presets & Environment modes in HD 75